CSS has a new new website!

Published 13 November 2020
css.lu.se screenshot

Dear friends of CSS. Tomorrow our old website www.csspublications.net will close down and this site – www.css.lu.se – is now our official home on the web!

The new site is integrated into the Lund university web environment which will give us better stability over time as well as higher visibility in search engines. It is a new look and a new structure and it may take some time to get used to. But we hope you as a reader will (or will learn to!) appreciate it.

The work of migrating the site has taken some time and energy from keeping IWCSS up to date as well putting out our newsletters, and we apologize for this. We will try to increase the output from now on. (Older news from IWCSS can now be found here.)

There is still some migrating left to be done. Especially when it comes to our old publications who are about to be republished inside Lund universities platforms for open access journals (https://journals.lub.lu.se/rs) and open access books (https://books.lub.lu.se/catalog/book/63). This means that some publications wont be online for some weeks to come. But they scheduled for republication before the end of this year, in a better and more robust format. We ask readers as well as writers to have patience with this process.

We will also keep hosting a permanent website for the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS). For the moment this site is also a work in progress however.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the new arrangement, please let us know be emailing us at iwcss.administrators@sol.lu.se  as usual!