Call for Papers: Sámi Children’s Literature

Published 11 May 2024
Laponian Lanscape with Reindeer and Sami

The Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics, an international open access journal, is currently seeking submissions on the topic of Sámi children’s literature. Authors are invited to submit abstracts by June 12, 2024 and selected articles will be published in 2025.

The Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics is an international open access journal with a mission to encourage state of the art interdisciplinary dialogues surrounding children's literature and its connections to various artistic forms.

Sámi children’s literature is written across several national borders in several Sámi languages ​​in addition to Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Russian. Sámi children’s literature encompasses novels, short stories, biographical narratives and poetry, oral genres such as fairy tales, legends, myths and lyrical expressions, in addition to multimodal literature such as films and picture books. Sámi children’s literature is an arena for border crossings and cultural encounters. 

Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics invites scholars to explore discussions on and questions around, but not limited to, the following:

  • Distinctive features and characteristics of Sámi children’s literature, genre studies
  • Sámi children’s literature in the face of diverse modalities and artistic expressions (including film, music, multimodal literature)
  • The relationship between oral and written traditions in Sámi children’s literature
  • History of Sámi children’s literature/discussions of literary history
  • Systematic review studies
  • Theoretical perspectives such as ecocriticism, feminism, comparative studies, indigenous methodology, decolonizing literature
  • Sámi children’s literature didactics/Sámi children’s literature in school, Sámi literature in school textbooks
  • The literary cycle, economic incentives, relevant policies, history of books
  • Translation studies

Abstract submissions of approximately 300 words, detailing the article’s theme, problem statement, and theoretical framework, are welcomed. The deadline for abstract submissions is June 12, 2024. Abstracts can be written in Norwegian, Danish, or Swedish. Contributions in English are also accepted.

Read more here: Idunn (Scandinavian University Press')