IASS Publications

IASS 2018 Proceedings 

Scandinavian Exceptionalisms. Culture, Society, Discourse

Redaktör: Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Torben Jelsbak och Anna Estera Mrozewicz
Språk: svenska, danska, engelska & norska
Format: Inbunden

The concept of "Scandinavian/Nordic Exceptionalism" is used in political science to describe the socioeconomic organization of the Nordic welfare states. The concept references the perception that Nordic countries share in common certain exceptional features. This includes a model of society based on a particular arrangement of relations between the individual, family, state and market. Yet, the perception of Scandinavian Exceptionalism(s) also draws on a set of cultural discourses related to the idea that Scandinavian countries display a specific kind of modernity that manifests itself in such phenomena as sexual liberation, gender equality, and environ-mental awareness.

This book is about the discourse of Scandinavian exceptionalisms as it is reflected and negotiated in various domains of 19th, 20th and 21st century culture, including literature, art, cinema, media and interior design. The articles in the book are based on papers from the 2018 IASS Conference, held at the University of Copenhagen.

Link: https://www.ni.hu-berlin.de/de/publ/publikationsreihen/berliner_beitraege/bbzs-c#band-29

Litteratur inter artes

– Nordisk litteratur i samspill med andre kunstarter

Redaktør/forfatter: Karin†Sanders og Unni Langås
ISBN: 9788283140712
Utgivelsesår: 2016
Målform/språk: bokmål, nynorsk, svenska, danska & engelska
Innbinding: Innbundet
Antall sider: 428

Hva skjer når litteraturen inngår i samspill med andre kunstarter og andre medier? I denne antologien rettes søkelyset mot interartistiske og intermediale former med utgangspunkt i nordisk litteratur.

Artiklene tar for seg illustrerte bøker, beskrevne bilder, tegneserier, tekstcollager, adaptasjoner av litteratur til film og digitale medier, angsten for bildets makt, lyrikkens musikalitet, bokobjekter og litterær paerformativitet. Historiske linjer blir trukket og teoretiske perspektiver diskutert. Det handler om hvordan litteraturen før og nå reflekterer over og tøyer sine kunstoverskridende muligheter samtidig som selve ideen om rene former og klare grenser blir lagt under lupen.

You can buy the book here: https://www.cappelendamm.no/_litteratur-inter-artes-unni-langas-karin-sanders-9788283140712

IASS 2010 Proceedings 

Translation – Adaption, Interpretation, Transformation

Redaktör: Claes-Göran Holmberg och Per Erik Ljung
Lund University Open Access, 2011
Språk: svenska, danska, engelska & norska
Format: PDF, webbresurs [read now]

The 28th Study Conference of international Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) took place in Lund. Sweden 3-7 August 2010 and had as it's theme Translation − Adaption, Interpretation, Transformation.

241 participants had announced their interest and 225 came to Lund in order to listen to and discuss nearly 200 oral presentations dealing with translation - in a wide sense. In the Call for papers which had been sent out with the invitation it was suggested that papers could be given under headings like “What is translation?", "Literary history and translation”, “Import”, "Export" and "Nordic traffic”. The response was overwhelming. More than 70 sessions were arranged, most often guided by thematic critera.

Four keynote-speakers literally stroke the cord and demonstrated some important themes in their lectures, which to a great extent contributed to the common frame of reference and to the many lively discussions. Lars Kleberg. professor at Sederttirns hegskola in Stockholm and initiator to a new Encyclopedia of Swedish Translators talked about "Översattningens osäkra plats i den svenska litteraturhistorien" (The insecure place of translation in Swedish literary history), Jens Normann Jergensen, sociolingvist and professor at the Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, København universitet, problematized the very concept of language in "Languagers, Languaging, Language and “Languages”. Maaret Koskinen, professor of film studies at Stockholms universitet, pointed out recent tendencies in the interaction between media in "Pictures in the Typewriter, Writings on the Screen. Stieg Larsson. Ingmar Bergman and the lure of media appropriations”, and the author Sigrid Combüchen gave some views on the craft and the great mission of translation in "Bridges and abridgments".

In a session dealing with the translation of her work into English the Norwegian poet Eldrid Lunden participated with readings of her poems.

Among the arrangements outside the lectures and the working sessions a literary evening with an open scene can be be mentioned; not few of the conference participants performed with poems of their own. readings and translations. Excursions were made. one of them to the Ystad of film production, and to Ales stenar. another one to North West of Scania. with the castle of Krapperup and Mills by the sea as some of the halts.

At the General Meeting of the conference August 7 2010 a Committee of the Association for the next two years was elected. with lvars Orehovs (Riga) as chair and Maria Sibinska (Gdansk) as secretary. Elected as Committe Members were Per Erik Ljung (Lund). Petra Broomans (Groningen), Anker Gemzoe (Alborg). Unni Langés (Agder). Malan Marnersdottir (Torshavn). Sven Rossel (Wien) and Karin Sanders (Berkeley). The XXIXth IASS conference 2012 will be held in Riga. Latvia with the theme "Literature and Law". with all its literary. cultural and interdisciplinary aspects.

Already at the IASS conference in Gdansk 2008 the possibility of replacing or completing the usual conference volume with a net publication was discussed. With the great amount of texts in mind it seems resonable this time to do so. We publish here 133 papers from the conference. We also plan to edit a less inclusive, thematically structured volume in book form. based on these papers, which will be sent to all the participants of the conference.

We have chosen to structure this net volume in an alphabetical order. after the names of the writers. The alternative, to organize the material in thematical groups, seemed less attractive as we realised that most of the contribution, with good reasons, could be placed under a couple of different labels - the order would appear as too arbitrary or even misleading.

Of course some patterns among the articles are possible to see anyway. In an introduction an effort is made to sketch some lines in the extensive material and to point out possibilities opened up by the study of translation. Our hope is that it should be easy to orient oneself among the many texts - and that the papers and the perspectives will show themselves to be useful. Many thanks to all the contributors!

Lund, april 2011

Claes-Göran Holmberg                         Per Erik Ljung

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– valda texter från International of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) 28:e konferens i Lund 2010

Redaktör: Per Erik Ljung
ISBN: 9789163398940
Utgivningsår: 2011
Språk: svenska, danska, engelska & norska
Antal sidor
: 358 s

Transformationer rymmer tjugosex texter från IASS internationella konferens kring temat översättning – i bred mening – som ägde rum i Lund sommaren 2010. Boken baseras på ett urval av samtliga föredrag som hölls vid konferensen. Samtliga konferensbidrag finns tillgängliga online via länken nedan.

Förvandlingarna mellan språk, genrer, konstarter, medier och kulturer äger rum hela tiden. Det är ett perspektiv som är självklart för skandinavister. Vi läser litteratur som är översatt, vi sysslar med förståelse och tolkning, vi diskuterar betydelser från och mellan olika koder, diskurser, genrer och medier, vi översätter och undervisar i ”nabosprog”. I boken ställs grundläggande frågor om vad översättning kan innebära när begreppet vidgas en smula, vilken roll översättning spelar i litteraturhistorien och hur importen till Norden av litteratur och andra medier går till, liksom det omvända: vad exporteras ud af huset från de skandinaviska länderna.

Boken är försedd med en orienterande inledning och texterna är organiserade i fem grupper som pekar på några olika möjligheter att arbeta med översättning. Transformationer är samtidigt den första volymen i den ACTA-serie som ges ut av Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen–Lund (CSS).

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