CSS Conference 2019

Scandinavian Languages and Literatures in the World – Prospects and Challenge

Lund University, May 16-18, 2019

General information

Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen – Lund is proud to once again invite scholars from around the world to Lund university and to our biannual international conference!

This is the second international conference CSS organizes, following the successful first one held in June 2017 with the theme "Rethinking Scandinavia". Four days of Nordic summer that yielded two written publications: CSS Conference 2017 — Rethinking Scandinavia, Selected Proceedings, published in February this year, and the second issue of our Web Quarterly Rethinking Scandinavia, titled "Looking In, Watching Out", which was published earlier this summer. The conference also contained the first instance of the Einar Hansen Lecture Series, held by Anne-Marie Mai about Nordic Women Literature in the beginning of the 21st century. A lecture that you can read and/or watch here.

The second conference will take place between May 16th-18th 2019 and it is titled "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges".

In keeping with our aim to establish a tradition, the second Einar Hansen Lecture will be held in proximity to the conference this time as well. The speaker and exact date will be announced at a later date.

With this announcement we once again welcome scholars of Scandinavian Studies from around the world to come to Scandinavia and to Lund university. The conference is dedicated to creating new personal and professional connections as well as strengthening current networks and friendships. The intellecual aim is to continue the mission stated and started in 2017 – that is, the Rethinking of Scandinavia through a broad variety of research into the relationship between the evolution of the Scandinavian cultures and the environment it evolves with and within – the World. 

About CSS

The Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS) was established in 2010 and has, among other things, conducted a project dealing with the instruction of neighboring languages and the internationalisation of the contiguous local Øresund region. The objective of CSS is to promote the collaboration between Scandinavian or Nordic-oriented institutions the world over and initiate cross-national research projects in Scandinavian studies. To that end, CSS organized the conference in June, 2017 entitled Rethinking Scandinavia. Similarly, in May, 2018, CSS initiated the research project Nordic World Literature in which researchers from various countries will examine the spread and impact of Nordic literature around the world.

Scandinavian languages and literatures present a wide array of perspectives. Though they exist first and foremost in Scandinavia, they are not studied solely in Scandinavia (or in the Nordic Countries) but in many other places in the world. What linguistic choices are made in the literature? What sort of linguistic impact does the literature have? Translations are of special interest to researchers when seen from various perspectives because being able to transform a text, regardless of whether it is fiction or non-fiction, and not just from one language to another but from one culture to another, is a constant challenge. These exciting questions in terms of prospects and challenges may, of course, also be found in other areas of research, as for example, sociology of literature, sociology of language, discourse analysis, mediatization and intermediality

  • Sigrid Combüchen, novelist, essayist, literary critic and journalist, Lund
  • Dan Ringgaard, Professor of Nordic Literature, Aarhus Universitet

  • Francisco Beltran, Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto

(More information about the Keynote Speakers will come later)

We are certain that this conference will draw numerous interesting presentations from various fields of study, which could include one or more of the following nine suggested topics: (Click on title to read more)

  • Nordic Languages in the World / World Languages in the Nordic Countries

  • Scandinavian Studies: Language Didactics

  • Minority Languages in the Nordic countries / Nordic languages as minority languages

  • Translations of Scandinavian Literature

  • Scandinavian Literature in the World

  • Scandinavian Children's Literature in the World

  • Scandinavian Studies: Constructions of the North

  • Prospects and Challenges for Collaborative research in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures

  • The Framing of Scandinavian Studies World Wide

Schedule and titles of presentations

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