Vacancy: PhD Fellow in History at The Arctic University of Norway (NO)
The Department of Archeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology (AHR) at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) invites applicants to a PhD position in the field of History. The PhD fellow position is for a period of three years and fulltime studies with the possibility of an extension of the appointment period. Application deadline is 15th September 2024.
Call for Papers: Health and Happiness in Nordic Literature and Culture, Tromsø, 2-5 August 2023
UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is hosting the 34th conference of the International Association for Scandinavian Studies.
Online Author Panel: Bringing Scandinavian Children’s Voices into English
Contemporary Scandinavian children’s and young-adult literature is full of stories that combine a playful joy of storytelling with important socio-cultural themes, but how does this translate?
Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” Radboud University, 11-13 January 2023
The interdisciplinary conference “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940” will take place at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, from 11 to 13…
Ledig tjänst som lekor i svenska på Humboldtuniversitetet, Tyskland
Nordeuropa-Institut på Humboldtuniversitetet har nu utlyst en tjänst som lektor i svenska som kan vara av intresse för skandinavister. Deadline för ansökan är 22 juni 2022.
Ledig stilling: Stipendiat, NTNU, Norge
Ved Institutt for språk og litteratur (ISL), Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet(NTNU), er det ledig stilling som stipendiat tilknyttet prosjektet «Pårørenderollen og litteratur som…
Jobopslag : En stilling som "maître de langue” i dansk på Universitetet i Lille
Den skandinaviske afdeling på Fakultetet for ”Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales" på "Université de Lille" søger en underviser i dansk. Ansøgningsfrist: 22. maj
CSS: Upcoming publications
CSS always strives to turn the creative energy of our events into lasting works of research and knowledge available to both fellow scholars and to the interested public, and 2022 is no exception!
NORDIK Conference of Art History in the Nordic Countries, 24-28 October 2022 (online)
Call for papers on the topic of “COLLECTIONS” for the 13th triennial NORDIK Conference of Art History in the Nordic Countries (virtual via zoom).
Assistant Adjunct Professor in Swedish Literature and Culture at University of California, Berkeley
The Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for an assistant adjunct faculty position in the area of Swedish Literature and Culture. Final deadline…
CSS News: Seminar on "Swedish Women's Writing on Export. Tracing Transnational Reception in the Nineteenth Century"
Forskarseminariet i litteraturvetenskap på SOL-centrum och CSS arrangerar seminarium med Yvonne Leffler, Åsa Arping, Gunilla Hermansson och Birgitta Johansson Lindh från Göteborgs universitet.